Radix sort and linear sorting
Radix sort is a stable sorting algorithm based on iteratively bucketing elements by their individual digits. Radix sort requires a positional notation and under some circumstances can be an efficient sorting algorithm but due to its tradeoffs and efficiency considerations programmers often mark it as a ‘second-class’ algorithm.
Given an array of integers
\[A = \{ 0, 10, 102, 13, 193, 12, 7 \}\]a classic LSD (least significant digit) radix sort will first order the elements by their least significant digit. This is usually achieved through counting sort.
Counting sort
Counting sort is a sorting algorithm that groups input integers into buckets in the same fashion as a hash table would and, as its name suggests, counts how many times a value is encountered.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
void countSort(vector<int>& vec) {
vector<int> counts(200, 0);
for (auto& v : vec)
// A non-stable partial_sum(counts) approach might also be used here
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < counts.size(); ++i) { // Stable counting sort
int oldCount = counts[i];
counts[i] = total;
total += oldCount;
vector<int> output(vec.size());
for (auto& v : vec) {
output[counts[v]] = v;
vec = std::move(output);
int main() {
vector<int> arr = { 0, 10, 102, 13, 193, 12, 7 }; // All data in range 0 - 200
return 0;
It has to be noted that counting sort requires knowledge of the data range in advance, i.e. of the range in which input elements span in their value. If the variation between the keys and the number of items isn’t huge, counting sort might offer an advantageous \( O(n + k) \) complexity where \( n \) is the number of elements and \( k \) is their value range. Space complexity is also \( O(n+k) \) since it uses additional arrays to do sorting and counting.
Stable bucketing by digit
As said before, radix sort often resorts to counting sort to sort elements based on their i-th digit since the range is fixed to the positional notation base the elements are referring to.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
void countSort(vector<int>& vec, int base, int digit);
void radixSort(vector<int>& vec, const int base, const int range) {
const int digits = static_cast<int>(ceil(log10(range) / log10(base)));
for (int i = 0; i < digits; ++i) {
countSort(vec, base, i);
void countSort(vector<int>& vec, int base, int digit) {
vector<int> counts(base, 0);
for (auto v : vec)
++counts[static_cast<int>(v / pow(base, digit)) % base];
int total = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < base; ++i) { // Stable counting sort
int oldCount = counts[i];
counts[i] = total;
total += oldCount;
vector<int> output(vec.size());
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(vec.size()); ++i) {
output[counts[static_cast<int>(vec[i] / pow(base, digit)) % base]] = vec[i];
++counts[static_cast<int>(vec[i] / pow(base, digit)) % base];
vec = std::move(output);
int main() {
vector<int> arr = { 0, 10, 102, 13, 193, 12, 7 };
const int range = 200; // All data in range 0 - 200
radixSort(arr, 10, range);
return 0;
A word of advice: the sorting performed by counting sort will always be correct
with the algorithm seen in the first part since it is stable. Using a partial_sum
approach might also work but it would require traversing
the input vector in reverse order when accounting for the position given by the
vector. This is necessary for both correctness and radix sort stability.
Radix sort complexity is \( O(w \cdot N) \) where \( w \) stands for the word size. If all keys are distinct \( w \) has to be at least \( \log_2{n} \) and that yields a complexity of \( O(n \log_2{n}) \) comparable to other sorting algorithms.
Tweaking the base for a faster sorting
Things get interesting when we’re able to tweak the base of the input numbers and perform radix sort on the digits of another base to save time.
Suppose we had \( n \) numbers in range \( [0;n^2-1] \). Using counting sort on such a range would yield \( O(n^2) \) and any other standard sorting algorithm would yield \( O(n \log{n}) \).
On the other hand, radix sort operates on digits of a positional notation.. and those depend on the base representation of the numbers. The number of digits required to store a number \( n \) in a given base \( b \) is
\[d = \log_{b}{n}\]and thus radix sort complexity in a given base is
\[O(n \cdot \log_{b}{n})\]that means choosing a base \( b = n \) will be \( O(n) \). The counting sort performed when bucketing digits will also be in range \( O(n) \).
We can modify the driver main()
function of the previous program to account
for this change (n.b. make sure all data is in the range \( [0;n^2-1] \))
int main() {
vector<int> arr = { 0, 10, 44, 13, 2, 12, 7 };
const int range = static_cast<int>(arr.size()) *
static_cast<int>(arr.size()) - 1; // All data in range 0 - n^2-1
radixSort(arr, static_cast<int>(arr.size()), range);
return 0;
For an interesting exponentiation by squaring algorithm take a look at this other post.
Also notice that this isn’t a silver-bullet to linearize all kind of sort problems since memory requirements and operations on large integers will probably take a significant toll enough to justify a classic reliable approach or, with large data, an external sorting algorithm.