Suppose we have a linear equation of \( n \) variables of the form
\(3i + 5j = 16\)
How many solutions are there?

Let us reduce the problem to a simpler one: how many solutions are there to \( 3i = 6 \)? We can think of this problem as recursively building on smaller known terms

\[\begin{align} & 3i = 0 \rightarrow 1 \\ & 3i = 1 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3i = 2 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3i = 3 \rightarrow 1 \\ & 3i = 4 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3i = 5 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3i = 6 \rightarrow 1 \\ \end{align}\]

i.e. we have one way of getting 0 from \( 3i \) with \( i=0 \) and so on. This approach works similarly to a single-variable sieve: \( f(xn) \) i.e. the number of ways \( xn \) can be obtained builds on \( f((x-1)n) \): \( f(xn) = f((x-1)n) \).

When multiple variables are present, e.g. \( 3i + 3j = 6 \), we should first solve the problem for one variable as shown then proceed to consider the second variable by building on the results of the former one

\[\begin{align} & 3j = 0 \rightarrow 1 \\ & 3j = 1 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3j = 2 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3j = 3 \rightarrow 1 + 1 = 2 \\ & 3j = 4 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3j = 5 \rightarrow 0 \\ & 3j = 6 \rightarrow 1 + 2 = 3 \\ \end{align}\]

so we have a total of 3 solutions for \( (i,j) \): \( (0,2),(2,0),(1,1) \). The same reasoning holds for the equation presented at the beginning of this article.

The approach is well-suited for a dynamic programming implementation. Code follows

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

int numberOfSolutions(const vector<int>& coeffs, const int kTerm) {
  // waysToObtain(x) is the number of ways to obtain x

  vector<int> waysToObtain(kTerm + 1, 0);

  waysToObtain[0] = 1; // Base case

  for (auto c : coeffs) { // For each variable coefficient

    for (int i = c; i <= kTerm; ++i) {
      waysToObtain[i] += waysToObtain[i - c];

  return waysToObtain[kTerm];

int main() {

  vector<int> coefficients = { 3, 5 };
  int knownTerm = 16;

  cout << numberOfSolutions(coefficients, knownTerm) << endl; // 1

  return 0;

Complexity is \( O(NK) \) where \( N \) is the number of coefficients and \( K \) the known term.