There are four actions available in a notepad edit box:

  1. Type the ‘A’ character
  2. Select all the text in the edit box
  3. Copy it into the clipboard buffer
  4. Paste it

Given a number of actions N return the maximum number of ‘A’ characters that can be printed.

This problem asks to find the maximum number of characters that can be typed in an edit box given a number of actions (or a number of key presses). Let \( N \) be 4 for instance. One could use all the 4 actions to press the ‘A’ key


or he could use one to type an ‘A’ character and the three left to select/copy/paste

 typed through select/copy/paste

Since there are no other actions that can produce ‘A’ characters, the maximum number of characters can be obtained by typing all ‘A’s as in the first example: 4 ‘A’s is the maximum that can be obtained with \( N=4 \).

Things begin to change when more actions are added as input. Until the number of actions hit \( N=6 \) typing characters manually outperforms (or performs equally as) the select/copy/paste operation. As soon as \( N=7 \) is hit, this is no longer true.

A good approach at solving this problem is through dynamic programming. Let \( M(i) \) be the maximum number of ‘A’s that can be obtained with \( i \) actions. It follows that

\[M(i) = \begin{cases} i & \mbox{if $i \le 6$} \\ max\{M[i-1]+1, f(i)\} & \mbox{if $i > 6$} \\ \end{cases} \\ \mbox{w/} \ f(i) = \max_{ 2 \le j \le i-2} \{ M[j](i - j) \} \\\]

The code for this recursion follows

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int maximumNumberOfAPrinted(const int nOfKeys) {
  if (nOfKeys <= 6)
    return nOfKeys;

  vector<int> maximumWithKeys(nOfKeys + 1, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i <= 6; ++i) {
    maximumWithKeys[i] = i;

  for (int i = 7; i <= nOfKeys; ++i) {
    int opt1 = maximumWithKeys[i - 1] + 1; // Just type another A

    int opt2 = 0;
    for (int j = 2; j <= i + 1 - 3; ++j) {
      opt2 = max(opt2, maximumWithKeys[j-1] * ((i + 1) - (j + 2) + 1));
    maximumWithKeys[i] = max(opt1, opt2);

  return maximumWithKeys[nOfKeys];

int main() {

  const int nOfKeys = 11;
  cout << "Maximum of " << maximumNumberOfAPrinted(nOfKeys) << endl; // 27

  return 0;

The code runs in \( O(N^2) \).