Given a whitespace-less string like


and a dictionary of words ordered by probability of appearance in a text (first means more likely to appear), insert the whitespaces in the string in the appropriate positions.

In probability Zipf’s law asserts that frequencies \( f \) of certain events are inversely proportional to their rank \( r \). For example the most ranked English word the has a high frequency in a generic text. Suppose we were given the following dictionary of words ordered by descending frequency


we can use a simplification of Zipf’s law to estimate the cost of insertion of each word: \( c(w) = \log(r+1) \) i.e. the cost of a word \( w \) is the logarithm of its rank + 1.

Now let’s take into account the example string we were given


with 0 characters we obviously have a cost of 0 since we haven’t inserted anything yet. If we proceed adding a character each time and checking for a correspondance in the dictionary we have that the first key found is at position 3

   | 'the' exists in the dictionary and has weight log(1+0)

The cost for the previous positions is inf since there is no match for t or th. By keeping a history equal to the longest string in the dictionary we can recursively evaluate each previous position for a better match, i.e. for a solution which either

  1. Covers all the characters encountered
  2. Is more cost-effective than the previous one


   ^ ^
   | |*
   | | cost log(1+3)
   | cost log(1+0)

when the position * has been reached we can now evaluate which one of the following splits is a better match

ther + e   = inf + inf
the + re   = log(1+0) + inf
th + ere   = inf + inf
t + here   = inf + inf
'' + there = 0 + log(1+3)

therefore the best match is there with a cost of \( 0 + \log(1+3) \). This means that if we were to stop our search at this point, there would cost more than the but would provide a better match since it covers all the encountered characters. It is an optimal solution for this subproblem since all the other solutions are not viable.

When the input text is covered for the length of thereverse the process is restarted and this time the + reverse has a minimum cost rather than there + verse. Of course heuristics and more advanced text-recognition techniques would be used if this were a semantic-aware engine trying to reconstruct a text. In this simple instance it suffices to find the minimum cost to split the words.

Since this recursion exhibits both optimal substructure and overlapping subproblems during the dictionary checks, it is a good candidate to be solved with a dynamic programming approach

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;

// Words sorted according to their probability of appearing

vector<string> dictionary = {

string insertWhitespaces(const string& text) {

  // Preprocessing step on the dictionary: use a simplified Zipf's law to compute

  // the inverse of the probability of a word to occur in a text

  unordered_map<string, float> wordCosts;
  int maximumWordLength = -1;
  for (int i = 0; i < dictionary.size(); ++i) {
    wordCosts.emplace(dictionary[i], logf(static_cast<float>(i+1)));
    maximumWordLength = max(static_cast<int>(dictionary[i].size()), maximumWordLength);

  // Cost of all best matches at i-th character

  vector<float> cost(text.size() + 1, 0);
  vector<int> predecessorCharacters(text.size() + 1, -1);
  cost[0] = 0; // The cost for 0 characters is 0

  for (int i = 1; i <= text.size(); ++i) {
    // Explore all previous positions in the range maximumWordLength

    float minimumCost = numeric_limits<float>::max();
    int predecessorLength = -1;
    for (int j = 1; j <= min(i, maximumWordLength); ++j) {
      // Try to use j as a split-point and choose the most cost-effective split

      int startPos = i - j;
      auto it = wordCosts.find(text.substr(startPos, i - startPos));
      if (it != wordCosts.end() && minimumCost > cost[i - j] + it->second) {
        minimumCost = cost[i - j] + it->second;
        predecessorLength = i - startPos;
    cost[i] = minimumCost;
    predecessorCharacters[i] = predecessorLength;

  // String reconstruction via backtracking

  int index = static_cast<int>(text.size());
  vector<string> resultReversed;
  while (predecessorCharacters[index] != -1) {
    resultReversed.push_back(text.substr(index -
                   predecessorCharacters[index], predecessorCharacters[index]));
    index -= predecessorCharacters[index];
  stringstream result;
  for (int i = static_cast<int>(resultReversed.size()) - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    result << resultReversed[i];
    if (i != 0)
      result << " ";

  return result.str();

int main() {

  string text = "thereverseisnottrue";

  cout << insertWhitespaces(text); // the reverse is not true

  return 0;

The code runs in \( O(N^2) \) and requires \( O(N) \) space.