Given a binary tree, flatten it in-place to a singly linked list in preorder fashion. e.g.

    1                    1
   / \                    \
  2   5                    2
 / \   \                    \
3   4   6                    3

A single traversal of the binary tree is sufficient if paired with a next pointer to remember the next element that will have to become the right one

void bt_to_sll(Node *root) {

  if (!root)

  static Node *next = nullptr;

  if (root->right)

  if (root->left)
  root->left = nullptr;

  if (next)
    root->right = next;
  next = root;

Given a binary tree, convert it to a doubly linked list in-place in an in-order fashion. e.g.

   /    \      
  12     15    
 / \     /      
25  30  36      
25 <-> 12 <-> 30 <-> 10 <-> 36 <-> 15

The algorithm is similar to the previous one: it is traversed left first and a prev pointer is kept. An additional way to return the new list head is needed since it no longer matches the root of the tree.

void bt_to_dll(Node *root, Node **list_head) {

  if (!root)

  static Node *prev = nullptr;

  if (root->left)
    bt_to_dll(root->left, list_head);

  if (prev) {
    root->left = prev;
    prev->right = root;
  } else
    *list_head = root; // I'm the root of the dll

  prev = root;

  if (root->right)
    bt_to_dll(root->right, list_head);

Both algorithms are \( O(N) \).